Sound Healing Therapy
Sound healing is vibrational medicine.
All is vibration according to physics and all the world’s major religions and esoteric wisdom. What we perceive as solid form is actually not solid but collections of standing waves vibrating together. Not only is everything in the universe in perpetual vibration, and everything has its own unique prime resonant frequency (rate of vibration). We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe. Sound healing practices utilize vibration to shift vibration.
Sound is unique in its ability to affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Human beings are exquisitely designed as receivers, perceivers, and transmitters of vibration. Every cell of our bodies is equipped with an antenna. Our bodies are more than 70% water, and water conducts sound 4-5x faster than air! It is sound that recharges the electrical systems of the human body, and it is also sound that balances our nervous systems to allow the body to enter a state of healing.
In his book, The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice and Music, Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. says, “Sound healing as vibrational medicine is becoming recognized as a powerful complimentary form of treatment capable of creating harmony in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human beings. Through various techniques and technologies, sound healing is the educated and conscious application of sound energy towards assessed therapeutic goals.”
In sound healing therapy, the client’s needs and goals are integrally and holistically assessed to intentionally create a vibrational environment which facilitates healing in the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual layers of being. Generally, this entails the utilization of various instruments and techniques selected to elicit a balance in the central nervous system. The innate self-healing capacity of human design switches on as the person moves from a state of stress to a state of safety and calm.
Links to related articles:
How to Use Sound to Heal Yourself
The Therapeutic Use of Sound in Alternative and Conventional Medicine
“As a result of the scientific inquiry quantum physics has opened, we’re starting to see the emergency – or rather, the reemergence – of vibrational medicine.”
– Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, Sound Medicine
What is a "Sound Bath?"
In her book, Sound Bath, Sarah Auster defines a sound bath as “a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite therapeutic and restorative effects to the mind and body.” What is commonly called a “Sound Bath” or “Sound Massage,” is a sound healing meditation. Through focused attention on coherent sound, the listener is guided into a meditative state that facilitates a deep relaxation response in the body and mind. Deep relaxation is required for the body to heal. Sound healing therapy may include a “sound bath” experience, or it may include many, many other techniques for healing with sound.
Sound healing is vibrational medicine.
All is vibration according to physics and all the world’s major religions and esoteric wisdom. What we perceive as solid form is actually not solid but collections of standing waves vibrating together. Not only is everything in the universe in perpetual vibration, but everything has its own unique prime resonant frequency (rate of vibration). We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe. Sound healing practices utilize vibration to shift vibration.
Sound is unique in its ability to affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Human beings are exquisitely designed as receivers, perceivers, and transmitters of vibration. Every cell of our bodies is equipped with an antenna. Our bodies are more than 70% water, and water conducts sound 4-5x faster than air! It is sound that recharges the electrical systems of the human body, and it is also sound that balances our nervous systems to activate a healing state.
In his book, The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice and Music, Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. says, “Sound healing as vibrational medicine is becoming recognized as a powerful complimentary form of treatment capable of creating harmony in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human beings. Through various techniques and technologies, sound healing is the educated and conscious application of sound energy towards assessed therapeutic goals.”
In sound healing therapy, the client’s needs and goals are therapeutically assessed to intentionally create a vibrational environment which facilitates healing in the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual layers of being. Generally, this entails the utilization of various instruments and techniques selected to elicit a balance in the central nervous system. The innate self-healing capacity of human design switches on as the person moves from a state of stress to a state of safety and calm.
Links to related articles:
How to Use Sound to Heal Yourself
The Therapeutic Use of Sound in Alternative and Conventional Medicine
“As a result of the scientific inquiry quantum physics has opened, we’re starting to see the emergency – or rather, the reemergence – of vibrational medicine.”
– Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, Sound Medicine
What is a "Sound Bath?"
In her book, Sound Bath, Sarah Auster defines a sound bath as “a deeply immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite therapeutic and restorative effects to the mind and body.” What is commonly called a “Sound Bath” or “Sound Massage,” is a sound healing meditation. Through focused attention on coherent sound, the listener is guided into a meditative state that facilitates a deep relaxation response in the body and mind. Deep relaxation is required for the body to heal. Sound healing therapy may include a “sound bath” experience, or it may include many, many other techniques for healing with sound.